Laura L. Kiessling

Novartis Professor of Chemistry
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue; 18-598
Cambridge, MA  02139
[email protected]
Admin: Heather Hubbard [email protected]; 617-452-2449

Professor Kiessling received an Sc.B. degree in chemistry at MIT, where she performed undergraduate research in organic synthesis with Professor Bill Roush. She received a Ph.D. degree in chemistry at Yale University for her research with Stuart L. Schreiber. She was an American Cancer Society postdoctoral fellow with Peter B. Dervan at California Institute of Technology. She then joined the faculty at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where she became the Steenbock Professor of Chemistry, the Laurens Anderson Professor of Biochemistry, and the Director of the Keck Center for Chemical Genomics. In 2017, she returned to MIT as the Novartis Professor of Chemistry.

Professor Kiessling is a member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, the American Academy of Microbiology, the American Philosophical Society, and National Academy of Sciences. She is the founding Editor-In-Chief of the journal ACS Chemical Biology . She is an author of over 140 peer-reviewed journal articles, and an inventor on more than 28 US patents. She has advised approximately 100 graduate students and postdoctorates. Alumni from her research group are contributing through their positions as faculty members of distinguished research universities, medical schools, and colleges and as research scientists at innovative start-up companies, leading corporations, and government laboratories.

Honors & Awards

Centenary Prize, Royal Society of Chemistry – 2019

Amar G. Bose Research Grant, MIT – 2019

Tetrahedron Prize – 2018

Gibbs Medal, Chicago Chapter of the ACS – 2016

Vilas Distinguished Faculty Award, UW-Madison – 2016

Alexander M. Cruickshank Award – 2015

Kavli Lecturer, American Chemical Society Meeting – 2015

Alfred Bader Award in Bioinorganic or Bioorganic Chemistry – 2014

Albert Hofmann Award, University of Zurich – 2013

Murray S. Goodman Memorial Prize, Biological Division of the ACS – 2013

Claude S. Hudson Award in Carbohydrate Chemistry – 2013

Steenbock Professor of Chemistry – 2012

James W. Taylor Excellence in Teaching Award – 2011

ACS Fellowship – 2010

Guggenheim Fellowship – 2008

Member, Wisconsin Academy of the Arts and Sciences – 2008

Wilbur Cross Award, Yale University – 2008

Vilas Associate Award, University of Wisconsin–Madison – 2008

Member, National Academy of Sciences – 2007

Member, American Academy of Microbiology – 2007

Francis P.Garvan–John M. Olin Award, American Chemical Society – 2007

Technology Achievement Award, MIT Club of Wisconsin – 2007

Harrison Howe Award, Rochester Section of the American Chemical Society – 2006



Tetrahedron Young Investigator Award in Bioorganic or Medicinal Chemistry – 2005

Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences – 2003

Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science – 2002

Carbohydrate Research Award for Creativity in Carbohydrate Chemistry – 2001

H. I. Romnes Faculty Fellowship, UW-Madison – 2001

Horace Isbell Award, Carbohydrate Division of the American Chemical Society – 2000

MacArthur Foundation Fellowship – 1999-04

Lake Mills, Wisconsin Distinguished Alumni – 1999

American Chemical Society, Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award – 1999

Dowd Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA – 1999

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship – 1997-99

Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award – 1996-01

Zeneca Excellence in Chemistry Award – 1996

American Cancer Society Junior Faculty Award – 1995-97

Beckman Young Investigator Award 1994-96

National Science Foundation, National Young Investigator Award – 1994-99

Shaw Scientist Award – 1992-97

Procter and Gamble University Exploratory Research Award – 1992-95

Dow Chemicals New Faculty Award – 1992

American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellowship – 1989-91

Sigma Xi  Scientific Research Society – 1981

Phi Lambda Upsilon Honorary Chemical Society – 1980

Bausch and Lomb Science Award – 1978

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